A domino is a small, flat, thumb-sized rectangular block of wood or ivory, or an agate or amethyst stone with a raised surface bearing from one to six dots (also called “pips”) that are divided into two parts. Each domino is a unit of play in many games, such as blackjack, that involve the matching of ends of adjacent pieces and the laying down of lines and angular patterns.
When people stack dominoes on end in long lines, they can create very complex structures, such as rainbow spirals. Domino builders sometimes compete in a “domino show,” where they build an impressive arrangement of dominoes before an audience of fans. The idea behind these shows is to demonstrate the amazing power of the domino effect—any action that starts off relatively minor and then triggers a series of much greater consequences, sometimes even catastrophic ones.
The idea of the domino effect has been used to describe many different kinds of behavior, from how a child compensating for weak foundational skills can tax their working memory capacity and limit learning, to how a company’s business model can trigger other companies to change their own. It’s also often applied to the process of plotting a novel, where authors think about how their character’s actions might affect others in a predictable cascade.
A popular theory is that the United States forged a series of deep and tight bilateral alliances with Asian countries to contain China’s rise and gain a foothold in Asia. This strategy was known as the Domino Theory, and it helped to guide policy in the region.
In an experiment, University of Toronto physics professor Stephen Morris set up 13 dominoes. The first was only five millimeters tall and only 1 millimeter thick, so tiny that it needed to be set up with tweezers. All the other dominoes were much larger, ranging from several inches to over three feet tall. He waited for about half an hour before the first domino tipped. Once the first domino fell, all the potential energy that had been stored in it became available to push on the next domino. Then, all the other dominoes tipped one by one.
This was the first time that such a large number of small dominoes had been shown to have such incredible power. The result of this demonstration is why we now use the term domino to refer to any action that initiates a chain reaction with unpredictable outcomes.
A more familiar way to experience the domino effect is to watch a person set up a row of dominoes in a straight or curved line and then flick them over, causing all the others to fall in a smooth cascade. This is a very satisfying sight to see, and it’s a great example of the domino effect in motion.